S turn : 1-2 flat (flat, 归正中)-3; early edge turn.; knee drive; hip drive.
Toe side - 跪姿,hip往外顶,不是身体lean, 身体在edge上。
Heel side-像坐椅子,不是身体lean, 身体在edge上
- 跪姿
- back straight
- toe: 丹田往外
- heel: 像坐椅子
- 肩膀好像顶着啤酒
- watch where you going, not to the snow
- hands over nose and tail (和板子平行)
* gentle hill
- open turn
* steeper slope
- closet turn
- 重心低
- bigger turn??
* flat
- 直线
- 保持edge (toe/hill)
* S Turn
- Hip带动,不是肩膀带动
- 站起来:initiate turn,release pressure
- 蹲下去:对付steep terrain, 越低越能对付大坡
- 尽早换edge
- Initiate Turn时:有一秒对准fall line
- 如果不敢对准fall line,起码toe turn 对准10点方向,heel turn 对准2点方向
- follow:重心换回中间,这样就不会扫雪;如果有冰或者bump,重心稍稍移到后脚 (这样后腿就能给到动力)
* Heel Turn
- initiate the turn, 开门/knee往外,
* Toe Turn
- Initiate the turn, 关门/knee往内
- hop at the end of each turn to check your posture
* chairlift
- loading: at loading line; 坐半边屁股,不过过早把板子扳回
- unload: pay attention; 坐半边屁股;prepare taking off; 重心往前;bend knees;heel pressure left turn; toe pressure right turn; 伸出半个脚板刹车;移动后脚重新平衡.