- How-to fall
- Safer to fall uphill than downhill
- Fall on heel side: extend your leg -> fall on your entire back, tucking your head forward
- Fall on toe side: start falling on your knees, then catch your fall on forearms, making fist on both hands
- elbow in
- lift your board up
- How-to ride bumps
- CANNOT slide down on mogul rides
- constantly adjust your body (dynamic riding)
- absorb the bum, each leg ride independently
- control your speed, put extra pressure at the end of the turn to make a complete stop
- transverse, moved by the bumps, not by your bod
- plan ahead
- aggressive riding - initiate the turn by put more weight on the front foot; finishing up with putting more weight on the back foot
- alignment, no counter rotation
- big smooth S-shape turn all way down
- stay low
- 40% weight on front leg; 60% on back leg
- How-to ride icy terrain
- sharpen edges
- loose bindings
- constantly change edge angle
- evenly distribute weight
- relax your body on the top of the board
- side slip turn and don't stay on one edge for too long (really?? - Kevin好像也是这样turn的)
- snow in the middle of the ride has been pushed to the sides
- How-to ride steep terrain
- 手和板子平行
- 3 body part stances
- lower body - belly button down
- hip
- shoulder
- lean on your front foot
- Toe Edge - pull your back elbow behind
- shorter turn - speed control
- preview your path
- How-to ride powder
- carve
- speed
- slightly lean on the tail
- How to Ollie
- 先把重心移到front foot 准备起跳
- 然后把nose拉起
- Skate board的Ollie是将tail 压低来起跳
- 在半空板子是水平的
- bend your knees more to Ollie higher
- hopping <> Ollie
- How to Carving
- active stance (稍稍往tail)
- dorsiflexion (脚趾头、脚掌往上钩)
- Early edge turn
- 换刃:
- 不需要knee steering, 只需要重心往edge靠来换刃
- 重心稍稍向前面的boot、胫骨压,以造成twist (压刃)
- Lean your body inside the turn (压刃,倾斜, high edge)
- 需要速度
- How to switch
- knee steering
- 不要后座
- 身体重心要向turn的圆心倾斜
- 眼睛和身体要对着前进的方向
- 一开始不习惯的话,就算绿道也可以折叠得多些
- 重心在板子的中间(或者稍稍在nose也可以),但是除非是滑powder,重心不要在tail。
- Heel side不要坐着,还是要lean on the edge,而不是坐着。
- Carving时,heel side其实是需要开肩,肩膀和front foot要往去的方向压,这样才能carving。
- Rolling时,上半身不动,下半身rolling。
- bend the knees其实是要把boots压低,而不是顶住boots
- 眼睛要看着前进的方向
- 不要开肩
- 从肩、身体、hip……全部要和板子平行
- 尽量对着fall line
- 要stack, 不止是bend the knees
- 可以将手放在膝盖上to enforce bending the knees
- 要有一个回归正中的动作,无论是重心(前后重心,左右重心)还是板子都要回归。这个相当重要,这个做好了,turn就容易很多
- 要根据地形做flex/extension,flex是增压,extension是减压。压力太大不好转弯,压力太小速度可能会过快
- 上身尽量要保持稳定,要不有太大的幅度,下身才是动力来源。
- 眼睛要向前进的方向看,而且要尽量远望,这和滑cross country的道理是一样的
- 要用膝盖和脚来带动转弯,不要用肩膀带动,肩膀只是自然跟随
- Toe turn身体不要太过前倾
- Heel turn身体不要太过后
- 要保持一定的速度,完全停下来更不容易转,
- 重心不能后移,要和板子保持水平,
- Snow Sei教的early turn的确转得更有效率些,
- 黄+蓝教的海豚滑能帮助能有效地控制速度,
- 对大陡坡实在害怕的话,一转就尽量横切坡,起码在我现在的阶段还是挺好使的。